torsdag 5. november 2009

Ordering things online

So I was reading this really nice article (, and I figured I'd try to order some pens.

Now, I suffer from that worst of online disabilities when it comes to ordering things - I live in Europe. And apparently, Americans have no idea how to ship a package to this relatively unknown part of the world. only ships FedEx. Which is great since the base cost of that is more than I would want to order for anyways. And apparently I have to call in my order, since the web-solution is not fit for the european style of ordering things. They also do not accept international credit cards, whatever that means.

"We do not ship internationally" seems to be the order of the day for the rest of the web-stores I checked out. I know, spelling those darn addresses must be just too much for you guys.

But we do get the Kindle finally. Granted, it's the small version and we only get an american plug for it. And we can't surf on it. And the selection of books is limited. But at least I do get the old, small, version and we should be happy for that. I live in europe after all...

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